Writing Python command line scripts

Python is great for writing command line scripts.

photo of Henning Jacobs
Henning Jacobs

Senior Principal Engineer

Posted on Mar 31, 2014

Python is great for writing command line scripts and we use it a lot for internal tools and scripts at Zalando. Before extending a three line Bash script I usually rethink and implement it in Python. This post summarizes some conventions and best practices I recommend.

Command Line Options

Do you know the command line options of GNU tar? Probably not all of them. Does -v just show the version or does it enable verbose mode? Defining some standard options avoids confusion and will let you focus on the more important aspects: writing the actual script logic. I use the following standard options for my scripts:


The Python argparse module is excellent for command line option parsing:


By using add_mutually_exclusive_group, the user is prevented from accidentally specifying both -v and -q (they would contradict each other).

There is something to watch out if you are defining command line options: Often you will need some sensitive data passed into your script, e.g. user and password to connect to a database. As command line options are visible in shell history, in CRON logs, CRON mails and even remote via SNMP (!) it should never be necessary to pass credentials via command line options! To avoid passing passwords on the command line you can either:

  • require a config file for your script --- but a config file should only be used if the configuration is complex enough
  • use some other authentication mechanism (e.g. Kerberos) --- this is often not possible
  • use an existing credentials store (e.g. ~/.pgpass for PostgreSQL when using psycopg2) --- if you can, use this solution (esp. for psycopg2)
  • allow passing passwords via special files

I'm often using the last approach by allowing to load a password from file if the option value starts with "@":


Another pitfall comes when printing/logging options passed to the script. It should be a matter of course not printing complete database connection strings or similar sensitive information.


Sprinkling your script with print statements is a bad idea. By using the standard logging module we get log levels, string formatting and exception printing for free:


I recommend the following guidelines for log levels:

DEBUG Information about the script's execution details normally not necessary to see. DEBUG lines will be printed/logged if --verbose(-v) command line argument is used.

INFO This should be the default expected output of your script. The script's main tasks should be appropriately reflected by INFO log lines.

WARN Warnings should be "fixable" by the user. WARN log entries would also be shown in CRON mails for CRON command line scripts, i.e. they should be fixed (for consistency) but have no real impact. WARN log entries should be printed even if the --quiet (-q) command line flag is used.

ERROR Every error state requiring the user's attention and potentially preventing the successful script completion.

Header and Structure

By adding the right shebang we can make the script executable (still needs chmod +x of course). The encoding is important for string literals:


By using a docstring instead of a regular comment we can easily reuse it in different places, e.g. we can pass it as a description parameter to the ArgumentParser class.

Split your main script logic from argument parsing and use the __name__ check to allow importing your script:


Now you can use the standard python repl or ipython to import and test your script:


DOs and DON'Ts

  • DO use the argparse module
  • DO allow specifying all configurations via arguments (if they are not overly complicated)
  • DO use the logging module and follow logging guidelines
  • DO check your code with pyflakes
  • DO format your code according to PEP8
  • DO use meaningful return codes (sys.exit(retcode))
  • DON'T (never!) pass sensitive credentials (passwords) via command line options
  • DON'T (never!) print information which could contain sensitive information (e.g. database connection strings)
  • DON'T use print statements, use standard logging instead
  • DON'T use old-style string formatting (% operator), use built-in logging format strings or "{}".format(..).

For pyflakes and code formatting (PEP8-like) I use my codevalidator.py script.

Example Script



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