HACK WEEK: Taking the Shopping Experience to the next level

Users could try-on Zalando's products with our "KINECT Virtual Dressingโ€ project.

photo of Martin Tschitschke
Martin Tschitschke

Product Manager - Support

Posted on Jun 11, 2014

One of the most visible and successful projects outside Zalando was a project at last Hack Week that initially seemed just like a nice gadget. As a result of this โ€œKINECT Virtual Dressing (for Xbox)โ€ project, users could try-on Zalando's products using the sensor bar, called KINECT, which is a widely known extension for the Microsoft game console Xbox. Fashion apparel pictures are projected on a live visual imagery of the user who can see himself on a TV screen. When the user moves, the virtual dress is supposed to follow the body on-screen. In last Hack Week back in December, a working prototype was created, however KINECT evolved in the meantime.

The first prototype of its kind was not at the forefront when it came to usability and design. It is the project teamโ€™s current challenge to tackle the implementation of a nice user interface for the virtual dressing room.

This time, due to our good relations to Microsoft, we gained direct support from them and they provided the newest pre-release version of KINECT to support this project. In turn, we will develop a presentable version and Microsoft will show it in the event accompanying the football world cup in June in their showroom in Berlin. Also, the Zalando app could be one of the first shopping apps for the growing entertainment platform like Xbox One to enter uncharted waters.

We will follow further how this this exciting highlight project develops for the Hack Week as part of this blog.


KINECT is not just for gaming! We do fashion with it!


Ahh!! Good idea. Let's discuss.

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