Hack Week #4: Hacking for Social Good

How Hack Week helps to address social needs.

Posted on Dec 18, 2015

Zalando technologists use their skills and expertise for social good all year round β€” including Hack Week. Some of our teams have been spending the past week working on projects that address particular social needs. Let’s take a look at a few of them!

β€œThe Refugee Clothing Points” App

Clothing is one of the greatest needs faced by the large number of refugees entering Germany from the Middle East. This mobile app points refugees to the nearest distribution location and provides them with listings on available clothing, including type of garment (shirt, pants, etc.) and intended recipient (man, woman, or children). It also connects Zalando customers who wish to make donations to nearby distribution points. The app will be in two main languages, English and Arabic and refugees will be able to search for needs even without Wifi.


Developed by one of our Dortmund teams, ZENgage is a website that matches non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Germany with people who are looking for volunteering opportunities. To find the right fit, ZENgage asks aspiring volunteers to create user profiles listing their skills and experience, which will automatically provide them with an NGO fitting their profile, but more so one that needs their expertise.

Second Fit

This website matches Zalando employees and customers with NGOs that provide services β€” food, toys, clothing, even cosmetics β€” to disenfranchised people living in Berlin.

All of these are candidates for our Hack Week Do Award, which recognizes projects built for social good. Whether they win or not, most of the teams will continue working on their projects in the new year.

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