Hack Week #4: Onboarding Goes Hack Week!

How a Hack Week project helps Zalando Tech newbies get on board.

Posted on Dec 16, 2015

What if you’ve just moved from Amsterdam to Berlin to join Zalando, and are now in desperate need of information about life and the bureaucratic jungle in your new home country? If you’re Backend Engineer Daniel Franke, you take a pragmatic approach and create Zalando Concierge: an onboarding app that aims to make life for Zalando newbies as easy as possible.

Zalando Concierge provides new Zalandos with “all the right information at the right time,” to make onboarding and adjusting to Z-life more fun than anxiety-producing. Some examples: a pre-relocation checklist; a to-do list for new arrivals (registering at the Bürgeramt, getting health insurance, opening a bank account, etc.) and other practical matters. The team is focusing on Berlin-related info during Hack Week, but will include information on all other Zalando locations over the coming months. To populate the app with content and keep the info updated and relevant, we’ll ask recently onboarded Zalandos to add tips, tricks and reviews of past question and answers. That way, the team can take full advantage of our newbies’ insights and wisdom and share it with the “next generations” of Zalando Tech.

Zalando Concierge has received support from our tech onboarding team and People & Organization department. New people from around the world join Zalando’s tech hubs in Berlin, Dortmund, Helsinki or Dublin every week. Everyone who has moved from one country to another knows: Finding all the basic but essential (and accurate) information to set up a new life in a new place can be challenging. Soon, Zalando Concierge will be here to help!

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