Reactive Design Patterns

A Talk by Typesafe’s Roland Kuhn (Slides)

Posted on Jan 19, 2016

Last week Zalando’s Tech Hub in Berlin had the great pleasure of hosting a talk by Dr. Roland Kuhn: leader of Typesafe’s Akka project, and coauthor of the book Reactive Design Patterns and the Reactive Manifesto. For a standing-room-only crowd, Roland highlighted the importance of making reactive software: of considering responsiveness, maintainability, elasticity and scalability from the outset of development. He explored several architecture elements that are commonly found in reactive systems, such as the circuit breaker, various replication techniques, and flow control protocols. These patterns are language-agnostic and also independent of the abundant choice of reactive programming frameworks and libraries. Check out his slides below:

Reactive Design Patterns: a talk by Typesafe's Dr. Roland Kuhn from Zalando Tech

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