Building services with the Akamai API Open API using Go

Read about our new Go library that Akamai GitHub uses as their default Go implementation.

photo of Nick Jüttner
Nick Jüttner

Systems Engineer – Team Shield

photo of Felix Müller
Felix Müller

Systems Engineer – Team Shield

Posted on Jul 12, 2016

Here at Zalando Tech, we’re driving the “API First approach” as our teams are making a lot of use of external APIs.

Since we also depend on different external technologies for content delivery, DNS hosting, and asset storage, we want to integrate our services with them. One good example is Akamai. We’re using a variety of their offerings in order to give customers the best delivery and user experience.

For these services, our goal is to build them in Go, which we’ve recently been using. Our experiences with Go have been positive thus far, like with Skipper, which is our own HTTP routing solution.

We’ve decided to build a Go library, as one didn’t exist to allow us to build services on top of Akamai. We also open sourced the library so that others could benefit. We are big advocates of open source software and believe it's important to give back to the community as much as possible.

More information about the Akamai API can be found on the Akamai Developer Portal.

Want to learn how to use it? Read more below:

  1. Clone the repo from GitHub

  2. Copy the examples/.edgerc to your user home (~/.edgerc) and add the required information (host, client_token, client secret and access token). You can find/create these credentials in the API Management section of the Akamai service console.

  3. Run one of the examples using: go run edgegrid_with_configfile.go

This example shows us all Akamai edge location endpoints:


Feel free to use and fork the project on GitHub. We’re keen to hear feedback via Twitter @ZalandoTech or @njuettner.

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