Selenium Conf Gets a Dose of Zalenium

Our Zalando developers recently presented Zalenium to the world in Austin, Texas.

Zalenium is an open source software extension to scale up and down your local grid dynamically with Docker containers. It uses Docker-Selenium to run tests in Firefox/Chrome, and when a different browser is needed, tests get redirected to a cloud testing service.

At the latest Selenium Conf, Zalando presented Zalenium to the world, with Diego Molina and Leo Gallucci giving their rundown to Selenium developers and enthusiasts from around the world.

We know how complicated it is to have a stable grid, and how hard it is to maintain over time with enough capabilities to cover most browsers and platforms. Watch Diego and Leo’s presentation below to hear how the tool was developed and how tests suites run faster on local Firefox/Chrome nodes, utilising our cloud testing service we pay for in a smarter way.

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