Open Source: January Updates - Celebrate 'I Love Free Software Day

This is a recap of open source activities and development at Zalando in the month of January.

photo of Hong Phuc Dang
Hong Phuc Dang

InnerSource Manager

Posted on Feb 07, 2019

Project Highlights

Lionel Montrieux brought Nakadi to FOSDEM 2019. This is one of the largest open source projects released by Zalando. Nakadi is a distributed event bus that implements a RESTful API abstraction on top of Kafka-like queues. It is used in production by over a hundred teams daily and handles over 100 TB of data every day. Try out Nakadi!

New projects

Two new projects entered Zalando-Incubator this month:

  • Transformer is a tool to transform/convert web browser sessions (HAR files) into Locust load testing scenarios (locustfile). This tool can be used when users have HAR files (containing recordings of interactions with your website) that they then want to replay in load tests using Locust.

  • Autoscaler is a component that automatically adjusts the size of a Kubernetes Cluster so that all pods have a place to run and there are no unneeded nodes. This is a fork of Kubernetes Autoscaler. Our goal is to test and deploy the project in a large scale environment at Zalando, then propose upstream contributions, so the whole community can benefit from our experiments.

In addition to the project highlights, we recently released a policy to handle harassment in open source. At Zalando we encourage our employees to take active part in open source development. And we as a company commit to provide our full support to developers who engage in open source on Zalandos behalf. Find out more details here.

Celebrate I Love Free Software Day

Join Zalando this Valentine’s Day to celebrate our love for Free Software. This is a chance for us to show our appreciation to people who contribute to free and open source community. We are delighted to welcome our special guest speakers who devote several years to grow and foster FOSS movement around the world.

I Love Free Software Day was first introduced by Free Software Foundation Europe. Find more details here


More reading

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